There are lots more cards available this season for ordering. I am working on getting them all together in the gallery for your viewing pleasure. Check the blog as I will update this when they are all included in the cards gallery.
Also, an improvement this year is the ability for you, the client, to order cards yourself. Previously, you would have to select the card you like and the photo you like. I would then have to add the photo to the card and order the cards. If you were ordering cards
and photos, it would be two separate processes - you order and pay for the photos on the website, and I would order the cards while you reimburse me for that order. Now, after you select the photo and card, I make the card for you and display it in a gallery for your approval. Then, you are able to place and order directly from the website as you would photos.
This is a vast improvement, but I am hoping that by next Christmas clients will be able to select a photo, select a card template and make the card themselves - cutting me out of the ordering process altogether.